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Bwell Bird's Nest Beverage Coconut 3 Bottle x 250ml (Exp Date:06/08/2024)

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Positively affects your physical health. It refreshes, relieves fatigue, improves blood circulation, and weakens skin. It contains coconut meat, which helps relieve thirst. It replaces water loss as it is a fruit that has a cooling effect and has a high content of glucose and fructose. This makes it easy for the body to use it for energy. Contains essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C. B vitamins, Amino acids, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. Potassium, iron, and also contains fats that are beneficial to the body, helping to detoxify. Coconut water plays a huge role in the production of collagen and elastin, which makes the skin elastic, firm, and nourishes the skin to shine. It also helps to strengthen bones, helps to balance the hormones of postmenopausal women, prevents heart disease, treats rashes, prevents stones.

*Highly nutritious

*May help regulate weight

*Relieves inflammation

*Antibacterial properties

*May boost immunity

*Improves oral health

*Aids digestion

Bwell Bird&

This product have been certified by::
The Central Islamic Council of Thailand